Newly Planted Tree Care

Most homeowners like to plant new trees on their property because they are typically low-maintenance plants. However, that doesn’t mean they are no maintenance. As self-sufficient as they may seem, healthy trees need care, especially when they are first planted. Help your new trees thrive and grow healthy with a few of our new tree care tips!

Tidy Trees

Take some time to clean up around your trees, making sure the area is tidy with landscaping.

  • Remove any debris from around your new trees like sticks, fallen fruit or leaves.
  • Once all debris is cleared away, inspect tree trunk for signs of pest activity or disease. You can save a tree from dying by treating your trees as soon as you notice any problems. If your unsure of what you are looking at, just take a photo and send it to our tree care team!
  • It’s more than just tacky to leave holiday lights up on your trees year-round. Objects bound to your trees for too long can actually hinder future growth.


Fresh Mulch

A fresh layer of mulch helps to retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. This is especially important for younger trees or any of your landscape trees up to 10 years old. Mulch can also help trees absorb needed nutrients, keeping the, healthy and beautiful.

Tree Pruning

Usually the recommended time to prune trees in the Midwest is during the winter months when tree growth slows. However, any time of the year is a good time to prune trees to benefit structural integrity or to remove problematic tree limbs that may pose a hazard to your family or property. Visually inspect your trees for any damaged, dead, or hazardous branches. If you’re uncertain if a tree limb might cause problems, contact a local tree care service company.

Watering Trees

Newly planted trees usually need more water than well-established trees. Especially in St. Louis, you should monitor rainfall and drought conditions to make sure young trees or saplings are getting enough water. This is especially important during our hot, summer months and winter. Many homeowners forget about watering plants and tree when it’s cold outside, so be sure to pay attention to watering advisories. G&G Lawn & Tree is committed to posting important information on watering your landscape plants on our Facebook page. Follow us there as a reminder of when it’s especially important to give your landscape plants a good soak.

Professional Tree Care

Not every tree job should be performed by an untrained homeowner. For large tree pruning, tree removal or maintenance, it’s important to consult with a tree care expert who can work with you to identify problem areas, giving your trees the expert attention, they need to grow healthy and strong!