We offer a year-round Fertilization Program created to give your lawn year-round care to keep grass green & healthy. Our program takes care of weeds, brown spots, patchy areas, grubs & more!
Learn more about our lawn fertilization program, or contact us at any time to discuss your lawn care needs.
G&G’s Year Round Fertilization Program
Fertilization 1 – Late Winter
We apply Defender Specialty Herbicide. This is a pre-emergent herbicide that works to provide control over both annual and perennial broadleaf weeds during the early season when other herbicides don’t work. This works to prevent weeds before they bloom in turf.
Fertilization 2 – Early Spring
Spring fertilization works to bring early green color to your lawn and prevent unwanted weeds like Crabgrass and Foxtail. Broadleaf weed control is applied as soon as temperatures warm up.
Fertilization 3 – Late Spring
Late Spring fertilization works to control annual grass weeds like Crabgrass, Broadleaf and Foxtail, keeping turf grass green and healthy as we head into Summer.
Fertilization 4 – Summer
Summer’s heat can be hard on our lawns. We fertilize in Summer to keep grass healthy. We also spray for crabgrass, nutsedge and broadleaf weed control.
Fertilization 5 – Grub Control
Our grub control application works to kill grubs at all stages of development, acting as a curative and preventative solution for grub problems in lawns.
Fertilization 6 – Fall & Lawn Aeration / Overseeding with Fertilization Treatment
Autumn is when grass needs to be nourished and cared for after a long Summer of stress. Every fall we perform a critical care step with lawn aeration & overseeding. Aeration helps to relieve compacted soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps roots become well established and produce an overall stronger, healthier lawn.Then, we spread Tri-Blend Fescue Seed over all lawn areas, to help healthy turfgrass get established for a full, lush lawn.
We also spray for broadleaf control.
Fertilization 7 – Late Fall / Early Winter
This application builds an important nutrient reserve for Spring and Summer. This step ensures lush Spring color, beautiful green grass, and improved root establishment of turf grass.
Fertilization 8 – Apply Lime
Lime application helps raise the soil’s PH and aids in thatch (compacted soil) decomposition.
Preventative Fungicide (Optional)
Missouri falls in the transition zone of turf type. This means that cool season grasses struggle in our tough summers. Diseases such as Brown Patch, Dollar Spot and Pythium Blight can really take a toll on lawns during summer months. Fungicide treatments can greatly reduce their impact. Treating preventatively rather than curatively is the key.
Our 3-visit Fungicide Application Program is applied as the weather dictates and gives your lawn the absolute highest level of defense.
We offer 3 different payment plans for our fertilization program. Please contact us for details.

Contact us
“Questions about our services? Start by filling out the form below, or call us at 636-296-3499.”